I've always loved to read and write.
One of my sisters helped me get started before I was in elementary school. Of all the things I learned from school (K-12, Bachelor's program, PhD program), self-teaching, life lessons, good advice, etc., literacy has opened more doors for me than any other. So it is very strange that for the past eight and a half years I've written so little other than for work-related things, corresponding to a new job I've had during that time. But that was not the sole cause, as I had already started struggling with writing a few years before. Eventually this spread to reading for fun (especially fiction) as well.
My writing got a boost on January 9, 2018. That's when I started keeping a private journal. It has kept me (mostly) sane, or as sane as I've ever been. I always need some outlet for personal writing I guess, but there wasn't much I felt like writing about to put out there to anyone who happened by this page. My inspiration has been very lacking.
Now it is 2025, and in the United States there is internal turmoil as a combination of wannabe authoritarians, billionaires, people angry or disillusioned with the American political system, bigots, Christian Nationalists, some people who feel left behind by the economy, some who feel the times are passing them by, some single-issue voters, and even outright fascists have supported and voted in a Congress and a President that have, so far, demonstrated little regard for the Constitution or the rule of law. Regardless political affiliation, people who aren't extremely rich face a great deal of uncertainty about their future. Where is the nation going? What issues can unite enough citizens to work together for a better nation and a better world? Is that even possible?
While it is easy to bemoan poor of knowledge and understanding of the principals and founding documents of the United States among citizens of every political orientation, a sizeable people (including myself) have just become accustomed to things working in government, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. We've become spectators in our democracy more than participants, with politics for some becoming more of a game, or a sort, even source of entertainment or validation.
Current events affect more than just people living in the United States. Neighbors, allies, and others are also experiencing a great deal of uncertainty. The shape of the future is getting murkier.
Does that mean this site will become some firebrand for this or that new political movement or serve as a resource with constant sources of helpful information, inspiration, and intelligent commentary? There are many other writers more in-the-know and connected with insights beyond mine. I am not looking away from the current chaos. There are opportunities and outlets for objecting and protesting and speaking out on behalf of those impacted by these times.
Yet staring into it too long and too often turns our attention from what we enjoy about life. And in such times, finding sources of joy, happiness, erudition, enlightenment, or just plain fun takes on a new urgency. So, if I am not spending a majority of the time I am able to dedicate to writing here on the latest shocking news story coming out of Washington, D.C., it doesn't mean I am ignoring it.
As for the future, I want more time to write what I want to write. I write best when writing is fun or has some other value I can appreciate and feel good about, as opposed to writing as a chore or an obligation. I have no idea where that will lead. I would like to find out...
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