Monday, December 28, 2020

Oh hey, I still have a blog

Yup, I surely do. 

 It's funny. I started a different blog in 2005 and had no trouble writing regularly. Even got some people reading on a regular basis. It was fun. It has a theme and topic group I had fun exploring. It started slowing down and then fizzled out by 2014. Two posts there since then. So I made a couple more blogs, but I guess I just never figured out what they were about. And the writing was hit or miss. Should I hide some posts to try to make a clearer theme? Do I need a theme? 

The thing is, I like writing. I love reading and writing. I was so excited to learn more about it when I started school. There are few things I was as excited about as going to school for the first time. Though, I was disappointed that I wasn't able to learn a foreign language in elementary school. It was a big let down to find out that "language arts" was just more English.

The last four and a half years I've worked at a job that is a lot of business writing, among other thing. The few years before that was lots of part-time academic work string together. And before that was some full time academic work. So part of it is that my schedule has changed and also my mental and social environment. It's easy to skip more writing because I have waaaay less free and unscheduled time than I used to, and it's hard to decide to what to write about.

I could write about how my life is going. Or what I am reading or watching. Or video games I am playing. Or a million other things. But there was just no focus. So the flow is bad. It's all hesitation and second guessing. But I've concluded that not writing is bad for me. I've been doing a private journal, but that's not the same. It's just some hit or miss life annotations mixed with reflection and venting that isn't really meant for other people. It's to help me track and see things about myself.

There is something I wrote roughly a year ago right after seeing The Rise of Skywalker that I forgot to finish and post. I mean, that's pretty typical for me these days. So I just wrote the final few paragraphs and pushed it out.

And that's what I think I will need to do. Just blog at least one day per week and push it out.


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