Friday, October 12, 2018

The Nook that could have been

Or could yet be if Barnes & Noble doesn't keep shrinking its investment in the e-reader. I like Nook. I prefer to Kindle. Any Kindle. I like that it has some limited value in an actual brick-and-mortar store. I like the layout of its digital UI, especially how books look on the screen. And yet B&N stores now hide or remove the Nook kiosk and third parties provide content services to minimize costs. The Nook could be extinct within a year or two.

What a shame.

One word sums up what I had hoped would happen with Nook -- integration.

Picturing Nook and the B&N Website/Store PoS

I've activated preference tracking for my B&N account. I have a registered Nook device and an active Nook app.

I use my account with my B&N membership to buy a product from the store's website. I add a few things to my wishlist. I walk into a store far from home and get an alert that something I've shopped for or that is on my wishlist is available in store. Or maybe it's on sale right now. Or I qualify to use my Nook device to activate a special discount.

I buy something at the store. Since I've authorized tracking on my B&N account (optional), neither my Nook device nor app tries to sell me the exact same item (unless it is consumable/something you can use up). But maybe I am offered a discount on the e-book version of a physical book I've just purchased. Especially if I've spent so much through various Barnes & Noble outlets to qualify for that perk.

Oh look, my Nook just notified me of events happening at what I've designated as "My Store". I head over a few days later for a book signing and for being a loyal member who spent money on ebooks on my Nook a notification pops up saying I qualify for a free drink in the cafe.

Just a few examples, but, right now the best you get is to sample a book for free for one our each day if you bring in your Nook. That's it. Sure you can switch books to get another hour of free reading. BUT THAT'S IT.

I mean, if you have a device, a physical store, and a website, there is soooooo much you could so to weave those together into a satisfying experience that other retailers can't touch.

Or, you know, you could just try to copy whatever passing fad is happening with handheld devices and come in at second or third place in a highly competitive market.


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