Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Final Skywalker Trilogy. A Few Thoughts on Star Wars as a Whole the Day After Seeing "The Rise of Skywalker"

Note: Before I even begin to write this (or you begin to read this), please note: I'm not interested in petty arguments over Star Wars. Different opinions on the quality or enjoyment of movies are bound to happen. That's normal and cool. This particular blog is rarely used and probably gets next to zero traffic (which is fine), but if this post happened to pop up in your search and you clicked here, just an FYI. Thanks.

Yesterday morning I watched the 10:30 a.m. showing of The Rise of Skywalker. Before getting into it, I offer my background with Star Wars. Not as a gatekeeper, or to prove I'm a "real fan", or any of that b.s. By all means, please skip it. It's just some context that might help explain my perspective on the final film of the Skywalker Saga.

Overview of my experience with Star Wars (Utterly Skippable)

I've enjoyed the Star Wars saga since the original trilogy of Episodes IV, V, and VI. There were critics of these films, and flaws they saw, but I see them still as flowing perfectly together as part of a coherent story. That's my particular point of view. No need to try to force that view on anyone, it's just what I see when I watch those movies. There are others who see them this way or something close to it who go a step further and idolize them. That leads to trouble.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Spring (2019) MMO Archair Dev Session: Elder Scrolls Online

(a.k.a. Recommendations for Elder Scrolls Online II)

Hey, it's ESO's turn. Again. Back to the land of dark anchors and skyshards, but this time also with dragons and playable necromancers. So in the middle of the five-year anniversary celebration for the launch of the game, here are a couple of potential destinations on the road ahead.

 I could just re-post this last set of suggestions, but a link will suffice. A couple of examples are moot with some changes made since then but still a nice list overall. And the last item on that list is *still* a big thing for me as it can help new players and keep the story clear/consistent. The newish zone guides are a good step to helping overwhelmed new and returning players. A good first step. On to the new(?) stuff...

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