Friday, December 28, 2018

Winter MMO Archair Dev Session: Final Fantasy 14

Welp, I don't think I'm in a position to give a sweeping review.

First, I still only have the crafting jobs to 16, the dps jobs to 50 (RDM is a little higher because I used it for an extended FATE event), and the two original tanking classes to 15. Only the current three healing jobs are to 70, and I'm most comfortable with WHM. I'm on and off with this game a lot, but recently became confident enough to add the roulette for expert dungeons to my repertoire. Still no extreme primals or current 8-player raids, though.

Second, I'm not at a place of having been in the game continuously so long as to see the big picture limits or downsides clearly.

Two things that do stand out to me:

   1) concerns over WHM having its identity leeched and its value overshadowed by other healer jobs

   2) old zone feeling empty and pointless

So here's the gist of what I've posted about these issues on the official forums...

On the identity/role of WHM

Current player concerns (skip down to see suggested action)

WHM is much easier to get into/more accessible. No managing cards or aetherflow or pets. That's "what it is". Unadorned and straightforward.

That's also why the lily gauge feels so tacked on by appearing so far into leveling. There *is no* WHM minigame to manage that relies on some special resource (aetherflow, pets, cards). SE seems to acknowledge that this is "what white mage is" by making lilies nice but optional and ignorable, especially for non-raiders. That keeps the "plain, simple, powerful" theme intact. Confession stacks don't even get a gauge, and outside of less forgiving content they are also nice but easily ignorable.

In adding those late extras to WHM they appear to want to avoid introducing much complexity while adding a little something extra for prog players/optimizers. People who only do non-prog content and/or play infrequently/casually can use WHM as easy-to-get-(back)-into job for healing, while the other healing jobs offer more complexity and management of resources.

I have dropped in and out of the game a lot over the past 2 1/2 year, and can say that WHM being so basic and easy to use has really helped me jump back in and given me a cushion for making mistakes and some confidence trying new content because it's easy to remember/relearn/use all the way up to the current expert roulette.

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